Monday, September 9, 2013

Big Lessons in Small things!

I find it interesting how small things can send big messages.  It was early Sunday morning while grabbing a cup of tea, I noticed an ant crawling on my window seal and of course my first reaction was to get rid of it and that I did.  Days passed and not more sightings until my aunt mentioned that she had noticed there were several more in the same spot as she prepared to grab her a cup.  Now needless to say that the bug man had been out just days before and I do keep my area clean and free of crumbs. With that being said I took it upon myself to get the house hold spray and spray the area inside and out.  There that did take care of the problem.

But while reflexing on how they got in and what was the attraction to that spot I had these moments of revelations which I have to share!

1. If you allow one situation to go unnoticed and don't handle or address it it can get bigger and bigger which then leads to more mess!

2. Remove my trash nightly like I usually do, but didn't that night because I got a little lazy! Rest is good but laziness isn't allowed if you want to succeed at your dreams and visions.

3. Watch how diligently the ant worked busy all the time preparing for the next season! Focus and work consistently as the next season of life will be here before you know it!

4. Once the situation has been handled be watchful that you don't allow it to return. 

How grateful I am for the invasion of the ant as it reminded me of some life lessons that made me refocus and move back towards my "A" game!  That "A" game applies to all that you are doing!

I was also reminded of a message I heard from a pastor who said "God can speak to you thru a stop sign if you are listening"!

So I ask what small messages may have been sent your way that you missed?  Sometimes it's the smallest things that speaks the largest volume!

I would love to have you share the lessons you may have learned from the smallest situation!

Make it a great day! Keep listening and learning!

Please also follow me on any of my Social Media Sites

Almarie Chalmers
PO Box 31-0844
Miami, FL 33231
Mario V Chalmers
The Ball is in Your Court

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Almarie Speaks on lessons learned as a Mom! Happy Mother's Day

 Major Lessons 
I learned
Being a Mom!
  • Take time to communicate (i.e. family meetings, breakfast or dinner together)
  • Take time to support your child’s activities; academic as well as sports related
  • Take time to relax; have fun, we parent better when we are rested
  • Take time to pray often and read much about things we want to learn more of
  • Don’t loss sight of embracing your dream while supporting your child’s dreams
  • Don’t let any and everyone speak into your child’s life
  • Don’t allow child(ren) to easily quit once they start an activity (band, sport, office, etc) you have to finish-even if they choose not to do activity again
  • Never tell child what he can’t or won’t be on this journey called “LIFE”
  • Be a dream builder, not a dream killer!
  • Speak Life and truths over situations as often as you can!
  • Plan fun activities with family as you create great memories!
  • Be present as they speak ( listen, listen, and hear)
  • Enjoy the journey as they do grow up!!

Monday, March 18, 2013


Eight Years Later! Almarie Speaks


Eight years after losing my mom my thoughts were heavier this year than previous.  Some of us are called to say good-bye to love ones and let it be, but others feel called to continue the legacy in some small or larger way .  The legacy can only live on thru others, but only if called to do so on this platform-whatever allows you to move forward and not get stuck in your grief.  I have learned that grief is real-it doesn't have to consume you, but one needs to allow themselves to feel, cry or shout. But move forward.

In recognizing loss I reflected back on my teaching days during my Health class we discussed the seven (7) stages of grief which are 1) Shock &Denial, 2) Pain & Guilt, 3) Anger & Bargaining 4) Depression, Reflection, Loneliness 5)Upward turn, 6) Reconstruction & Working through 7) Acceptance & Hope
(Great reading at to get understanding of each stage).

I have found these to be helpful as I looked for understanding of my feelings, but always realizing that in each stage God was carrying me. I also realized time does heal all wombs, but it does't erase them.

So my advice to all and any is to take time to read and seek deeper understanding of those feeling that maybe laying dormant and allow yourself to move slowly thru each without thinking you are weak or crazy.

My strength always comes when I skip to the last one and realize that the final stage is HOPE!  That's where I stand as I learned to live life without love ones physical presence. Let them live on thru you as you teach and share the lessons that they taught you while they were still walking and talking amongst us on earth.

So maybe this year hit harder because it was the 8th year of not having mom hereon earth and I also recognized that the number 8 in biblical numbers mean - New Beginnings!  So now I believe and trust that yet another new Journey  is beginning ! Yes, I have a heart that still fully miss mom, but moving forward to see what new beginnings lay ahead helps me hold on to my HOPE till we met again!

So to all that has experienced loss during this life time hold on to your hope and  look forward to New Beginnings as well.  But remember it does take TIME!!!  Just remember as well to take it "One Day At A Time".   Let the journey continue of learning to learn without a love one!!!

Love to hear how you handled a grief filled time in your life.

Please also follow me on any of my Social Media Sites

Almarie Chalmers
PO Box 31-0844
Miami, FL 33231
Mario V Chalmers
The Ball is in Your Court

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Mario Chalmers Retirement Jersey at University of Kansas

To experience the celebration of my son's jersey being retired was a great moment in time.  Just to think that he reached the highest level that a player can accomplish on the collegiate level as the jersey is spotlighted on the walls of the Allen Field house at the University of Kansas.  I must say that my heart filled with joy, but the real emotions really hit after the moment.

After the moment meant once I was back home and sat down, watched the speech again, reflected on the moment brought about great emotions.  Now it may seem strange that tears didn't fill my eyes which there were none as they all were in my heart.  My heart cried out as I felt that another chapter in mothering had been completed.  I now for some reason saw my son as the man he had become and is still becoming.  This moment had me reflect, but also release and become even more grateful that I was still able to experience the joy that not only I felt but all the feelings that he would experience upon completion of such a great moment.  This young man who is often referred to as Rio, the little brother by the Big Three, or the kid that many doubted as the million comments were made and are still being made only made my smile and faith increase even the more.

As always several scriptures came to mind to remind me that God's word is faithful.

  "Before you were formed in the womb I knew you" Jeremiah 1:5 and "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord," plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

As I think now the question was ok Lord what do have in store for this young man now? As exciting as this may sound it also made me experience a moment of fear in a weird way because I know that with every victory there is always some struggle and numerous lessons to be learned along the way.  So I pushed aside the fear and moved back into my stance of FAITH, thinking and saying "OK Lord I am now ready let the next chapter begin."  

Now I watch as well as pray!

Please also follow me on any of my Social Media Sites

Almarie Chalmers
PO Box 31-0844
Miami, FL 33231
Mario V Chalmers
The Ball is in Your Court